My Twin Sister

My Twin Sister ❤️

2008, now 16 years ago
we met each other for the first time
it was my first real introduction
with a Zulu woman and her family
I thought you were fantastic
so loving and warm
we quickly bonded
and never let go of each other
we have been through a lot together
of deep sorrow
to deep joy
and made beautiful memories
we tell each other everything
about our love life, our children, our worries, 
the future, our dreams, how we see our reunion
this is so ​precious to me
we feel like twin sisters
despite our differences;
you live in South Africa
me in the Netherlands
you are a black woman
I am a white woman
There are no bigger cultural differences
and yet we feel 1
we can sense each other,
despite the enormous physical distance

​we worked together
and lived together
always had a lot of fun
and sometimes arguing
everything is allowed
and that makes our relationship so special
​when we talk on the phone
it feels like you’re standing next to me
I see you in my mind
even though it’s been 6 years now
that we saw each other for the last time
I know
that we will see each other again
to sing, dance and laugh ​as only you and I can
and ​that we will write a book about us
we have a lot to say
especially our exciting stories
like meeting in the dark
and the looks of others
when they saw us walking together
white and black
no difference for us
​in South Africa this is still unusual
and I can’t wait
to show you around
in the Netherlands

Congratulations ​my darling sister
on your 60th birthday​
you are ​so dear to me
and will ​always be with you energetically
wherever you are

I love you​ ❤️